Multi-tenanted Bookstore example

4 years agoapproved5

The Bookstore courses are simply lifted from the website. Could you please enhance them with the ability to be Multi-tenanted; I think that would be a great showcase example. Cheers!

BTW Could you also update the Roadmap as it looks like there’s not going to be anything new for the foreseeable future?. Keep up the good work.

Comments on Multi-tenanted Bookstore example

  1. vineet says:

    Thanks for your feedback Frank, I am currently working on how to create a SimpleTask App as a module without touching the Web Application, It is almost ready to be recorded … lots of lessons learnt while building this App as a module rather then a Web Application.

    The Roadmapp will be updated soon as I plan to have three Roadmaps, Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. The Advanced will be foucused on Multi Tentant and SaaS based fetures of ABP.

    But since you all are wanting to see a Multitenant example …. I shall work on that next!


  2. Kevin Farrow says:

    Thanks Vineet… looking forward to anything you release 🙂

  3. Yes please let us know when you will be publishing Multitenant version of bookstore module.

    Is CRM module more advanced than bookstore module?



    1. vineet says:

      Yup working on it, will let you know when it is up, hopefully this week.

      Making the Bookstore Application Multitenant is quite easy actually.

      If I count you have to make 4 lines of code change, will record a quick win for you.

  4. Kevin Farrow says:

    It’s been over a month since we had the “4 lines of code” to make the Bookstore app Multitenant.

    Any chance of another 4 lines of code sometime before summer?


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